EU Cybersecurity Certification introduction

An introduction to European Cybersecurity Certification under the Cybersecurity Act. © ENISA - Creative Commons 4.0

Have you heard about eu cyber security certification? If not, this is what you should know about it. In today's ICT market how is it possible to compare the level of security of solutions? Some of these solutions call themselves cyber secure and trustworthy while others carry various labels. This leaves ICT consumers with complicated choices developers and service providers wishing to enter new markets might need to comply with numerous security requirements. This lack of harmonization results in high costs for enterprises. To address this challenge the European Union is developing EU cybersecurity certification which provides evidence of compliance to a given level of trust. ENISA the European Union agency for cyber security is developing certification schemes for ict products, cloud services, 5G and more are to come according to market needs. Once in force each EU country will be able to perform and issue cybersecurity certification under the new framework. EU certificates will be recognized in a harmonized way across the union. So what to expect? This way developers and service providers will only need a single certification to address a market of 500 million EU citizens. Users will be able to easily benchmark ICT products and services based on their needs in terms of trust and security. ENISA is also working on guidance documents for developers, service providers ,auditors, evaluators and national cyber authorities to help move forward EU certification. This ecosystem also tests the new certification framework to make sure that the proposed approach and measures are accurate. follow ENISA on social media to find out more and join us at the ENISA cybersecurity certification conference.

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